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Floral Enfleurage & Maceration

Over the years Victorie Inc. has designed its own enfleurage and maceration techniques to capture the delicate, elusive scent of rare and exotic flowers that do not respond well to solvent extraction process because they produce very little essential oil, or the fragile floral scent is destroyed in the extraction process.

Our softly scented flower enfleurage pomades and macerations are rare treasures.

Flower petals are harvested by hand, one at a time, when they begin to bloom. The blooming season may be long or short depending on the flower. The length of blooming season and weather conditions will affect how strong our finished products will smell. Our products are made using a vegetable oil base and no heat. Historically, beef tallow and lard were used in the industry.

Each of our flower macerations and enfleurage pomades are softly scented and are designed to capture the scent of the blooming flower. They are not designed to act like a perfume or essential oil and they do not contain fixatives. Fresh flower enfleurage pomades and macerations have a different odor profile than flower products created using solvent (hexane/alcohol) extractions. The solvent extraction process is simply not able to capture the more delicate and ethereal aspects of the flowers.

Individuals who are willing to train their senses to work with the more subtle, ethereal aspects of our fresh flower essences will find hidden treasures not previously experienced on their fragrant aromatic journeys.

Uses: Subtle Aromatherapy, Aromatherapy Kinesiology, Massage, Neuro-Lymphatic Support, Naturopathic Remedies, Hand and Foot Reflexology, Skin Care, Hospice & Elderly Patients, Chemically Sensitive Individuals, Natural Perfume Base To Create Perfumes, Study & Evaluation of Flower Scent Profile.

Preliminary clinical studies show our rare flower enfleurage pomades and macerations support the Neurolymphatic System and enhance emotional well-being of the patient when applied topically.

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